Thursday, March 10, 2011

King Nothing

Is it just me, or does Qaddafi look like a villain from a bad 80's movie. Where do we get these guys from? He has the Jheri Curls. He has the all female Amazonian body guards. He has the blond nurse that goes with him everywhere. He talks like an idiot. He thinks he has solved the worlds problems (in his green book). Every time I see him, I think of the movie Wag the Dog. I feel like he is just a made up character for everyone to hate.

But the violence he is perpetrating against his own people is very real. But alas, his time will come. He is desperately trying to hold onto power by killing his own people. Interesting idea, reminds me of a song by Metallica (King Nothing) where they say "just want one thing, that's to play the king, but the castle's crumbled and you're left with just a name, where's your crown king nothing".

When someone becomes desperate to hold onto power, they are willing to do anything to hold onto that power. Even if it means burning his "kingdom" to the ground. I don't know if it will get to that. Hopefully someone from his inner circle will reach a breaking point and end this craziness. But what we are seeing throughout the Middle East is a bunch of King Nothings. The sad thing is we propped up these King Nothings, and supported them. I really hope that the King Nothing mentality doesn't find it's way here to the US..... Oh crap, I forgot about the Tea Party.

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