Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I hate little kids

My wife is a teacher at a small private school. There is no daycare at the school, so some of the teachers who have young kids hired two women to conduct babysitting duties. The school offers them a room in the building that is now the babysitters room; teachers can bring their kids in and teach for a very reasonable rate. Now, i have two young daughters, 3 and 7 months and I love them. I just hate one kid in specific. Actually, I think I hate his parents. Or maybe I hate the babysitters themselves. I don't know who I hate, but I am mad.
My older daughter has been bitten 6 times in the last two years. The last two bite marks have not gone away; one on her cheek and the other on her leg. Now, I am not one of those parents who flips out when their kid gets scratched. I am quite the opposite. I have let my daughter play on the big slide ever since she learner how to walk. If she feels she can climb up and slide down on her own then great. Who am I to discourage her. I love the fact that she is fearless, she is not afraid to try anything at least once. So the fact that she was bitten really didn't bother me. I say, kids will be kids, let them play and mess around. Who hasn't gotten hurt as a little kid. I have scraped my knees so many times I can't recall. I have broken fingers and limbs, bumped me head, and I have hurt other kids as well. (What, I'll do it again)
So what is a man supposed to do? Do I keep letting this slide? Do I talk to the parents and risk coming off like a loser? Can I just punch someone in the face? Usually that solves most problems; I'll think I'll punch someone in the face. Now, my other problem is who?

(I wrote this three years ago and never published it)